Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving dead ahead, cap'n, past, and gone

Interesting, brief this year. No family gathering, buffet at a local semi-posh restaurant with, as it turns out, pretty disappointing grub. Thinking they've cut back due to the economy like veryone else. I like a Big Family Gathering with Kids Running Around Like Nuts, so this was pretty quiet.

I have a BMW motorcycle with some 'issues'. Waiting for parts, which finally arrived Saturday. the IRONY? Saturday is the first day we had snow that stuck on the roads... Hard to test the scoot when it's icy... I don't hate winter, but I hate not being able to ride..

Saw a friends band Saturday night. Gave me a jones to get involved in one again, mine recently folded up, as they are prone to do...

1 comment:

Julie D said...

It should not be allowed to snow on days one wants to ride. That is just wrong.